Have to tell you that I'm torn about sharing these photos and stories with you beceause I haven't yet written them all up on our Radio 4VEH / Resounding Hope websites/blogs/newsletters etc. So, don't tell anyone you heard about these stories here first :).
One of our main projects, Resounding Hope, is about giving out solar-powered radios tuned to Radio 4VEH, with MP3 player of audio New Testament in Creole (read by Storly) as part of evangelism and outreach, working alongside local churches. The father of this ministry is Medson, now 80 years old, still going strong, building networks with churches all over Haiti (and now among Haitian churches in neighbouring Dominican Republic too).
For the two months we're here in Haiti, we're having several teams come in to help give out the radios, and part of our strategy is to reach out further into new areas, so that we'll eventually be covering the northern five states of Haiti (North, Northeast, Northwest, Artibonite and Plateau Central).
First stop, on 4 June, was a village called Dubout, near Limonade.
Starting point for our day, the local church, led by Pastor Israel Abraham, a graduate of OMS' Emmaus Biblical Seminary. Pray for the people who are part of this church, Eglise Baptiste de la Trinité (Trinity Baptist Church of Dubout, near Limonade) as they live out their faith in this area where many witchdoctors live. |
Our team divided into four or five different groups, each with a local guide from the church, a translator, and two or three visiting missionaries. The first person our group stopped to talk to was this mother-of-four, as she was shelling cashews. |
A fellow believer, she was happy to stop and chat, asked for prayer for her family, and was thrilled to get a radio so she could listen to Radio 4VEH. |
With her grand-children (maybe even great-grand-children) hanging on to her as they ate mangoes (yep, butt-naked), this lady was very happy to get a radio too. Though she answered some questions our team asked her with the 'right' responses, (yes, she knows God; yes, she goes to church) the pastor and church guide with us were pretty convinced she practises Voodoo. |
As we prayed at the end of the day's activities, we thanked God for 11 people who decided to follow Jesus as their Savior; for 17 people who are already believers; and for 25 radios left in people's homes. |
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