That's what comes to mind when we think back on an interview we had earlier this month.
'Interview?' Not the kind we're used to...we do plenty of media interviews talking about the radio ministry in Haiti. But this was an interview with the leaders of One Mission Society in the UK. As part of our application process to become fully-fledged missionaries with One Mission Society.
'But aren't you kind of like that already?' you might be asking...
Well, no. Between us, we've served as staff members with Radio 4VEH for more than 18 years, (Storly, since 1998 with a 4 year gap; and me, since 2008). And yes, Radio 4VEH is a ministry of One Mission Society. But that doesn't make us part of One Mission Society, which is a 'society', a faith mission of missionaries. Technically, Storly is a national worker (ie serving his own country), and there's just no category for me. (No suggestions needed, thank you!)
Our ‘status’ as staff of a ministry of OMS but not OMS has always been weird, both for us as we live it, and as we’re presenting our family and ministry to others, especially in churches that are very familiar with supporting OMS missionaries. For a long time, we didn't feel like there was really a place for us within OMS. But over the last year or so, a few key people have spoken into our lives, encouraging us and confirming that we're on the right path.
So without wanting to confuse you any more, let's just say we've felt the Lord leading us over the last year or so to join the OMS family. Think of it as going from being a consultant to being an employee, only better.
Our visit to the UK last summer—meeting with
the OMS UK leadership and staff, and representing Radio 4VEH in various
churches—as well as our recent time in Haiti, has been a great encouragement and
confirmation to us that God has us in the roles He’s prepared us for. So after
praying, getting advice and listening to those wiser than us, we’ve applied and
been interviewed by Donald Coulter, Executive Director of One Mission Society UK, and team. They're excited about having us as part of their team, and we're excited about being part of their team. We're hoping our application will be approved in early September (which is next week!). Read more about One Mission Society UK.
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And how amazing that one of those churches that supports OMS global missions is my first, original, home church, Lodge Farm Church, Caerleon. Yep, the converted farmhouse at the top of the hill. Where I first remember hearing who Jesus really is and how much He loved me, after friends from school invited me to Y.P. - the Young People's group meeting every Thursday night. Lodge Farm is the place where the people have loved on me, and my family, for 25 years. Including through some of the hardest times. Where I slipped on my way down into the little pool before being baptised in 1990. Lodge Farm, where I learned a thousand lessons from those who've gone before me in the faith (and I am eternally grateful...)
Anyway, we're excited about building stronger connections with people and churches in the UK and elsewhere.
So, are you moving?
No, we're not moving. At this point, we’re not seeing an imminent relocation to
Haiti, but will continue to be based here in Columbus, Indiana, with trips to
Haiti, and to the UK. So our next move is not a literal one!
Unlike others who become OMS missionaries, (like the Gross family who just moved to Haiti, after spending the last year or two in preparation and raising the needed funds to be able to start their ministry), we're already doing our ministry, and have been for a long time. But we will need to transition from getting a salary through the station to raising funds for our family's support (salary, and other stuff). More on that at a later point, but this will be a challenge for us (I'm sure it is for anyone). We've said we couldn't raise funds for the radio ministry and for our family, it's too confusing. It's like competing... Well, turns out that that's what we'll be doing. Ha ha, funny how God can turn those things around. Both in the circumstances and in how we feel about it!
What will change then?
A few things. We'll have an avenue to welcome people to join our family in our work by praying for us regularly and/or supporting us financially. At the moment, there's no structure for that. We'll be able to share updates, prayer requests and praises, challenges.
We hope it will help our ministry to be more effective. Watch this space for how that'll pan out.
We hope that coming into the OMS family will better support our family. Sometimes what we're doing on a day-to-day basis is a major struggle, and we grow weary and exhausted. We need support.
And we do hope and pray that this change will bring God glory, and will serve OMS well.
Thank You, Mèsi, Merci!
Many of you have been linking arms with us in our ministry for a long time, not officially through an organization perhaps, but in real, super helpful, encouraging, building us up, praying for us, blessing us with stuff we could use, bringing-tears-to-our-eyes and even, yes, giving-us-a-home kinds of ways. We don't say thank you enough, but we could not do what we do without you.
May the Lord show you you have shown kindness to us.
(see Ruth 1:8)
So, that's the story of our next move, God willing. Hopefully next week, we'll know for sure. We do hope you'll pray with us as we go through this transition, however it works out.
There's just 10 minutes left of the live Summer Youth programs on Radio 4VEH, and I'm listening to Rwoody, Jerry, Lyne as they greet us - Pastor Storly, Kate, Hannah (Anna) & Esther (Estair) - on the air. If they knew the names of all of you who've supported us, they'd want to greet you too. So, consider yourself greeted from the guys at Radio 4VEH, and from us in Indiana as we get ready for a long weekend (day off on Monday for Labor Day). Bless you!