After eight weeks at 4VEH in Cap-Haitien, Haiti, we are back to home base in Indiana. Back from the front-lines of daily broadcast ministry life and outreach in communities in need, to the front-lines of sharing the ministry with communities of supporters for me, and back to strategic leadership from a distance, networking with other like-minded ministries, and to translating and recording programs for Storly.
With more than a week under our belts, we've emerged from the fog of switching back to life in another foreign-but-familiar place. The girls are into their second week of school (I know for all you fellow Brits out there especially, that sounds so wrong, right? Your kids have probably just started their summer enjoy!).
Among the things we brought back are more than 7,000 photos that I took, and am in the process of culling, editing, cataloging (they're not all good or usable) - and many of these will show up in future communications for 4VEH, Resounding Hope and our own ministry letters, and yes, on this blog.
Here's just a few photos for now:
Last ride in the cattle truck, heading to Cap-Haitien airport for our flight out. |
The highlight of the trip for me, worshiping with new believers at a church planted
earlier this year at what felt like the top of the world (and the 2 1/2 hour hike it took to
get there was so worth it). More on that big adventure coming. |
The view over Port-au-Prince, Haiti's capital city and home to about 2.5 million
people - from the antenna site where 4VEH is now broadcasting, in partnership with
Radio Sentinelle 93.9 FM and the Haiti Baptist Convention. We were there to get
the station set up and on the air. |
And while our team from Community Church of Columbus was sharing the Gospel
with this sweet one's family, she was busy doing laundry. I pray she'll grow up in better
surroundings, both physically and spiritually, through what she and her family hear
as they listen to the solar radio we left with them. |
That's all for now! Thank you for praying for us, encouraging us, coming and working alongside us, and for financially supporting us in ministry. Blessings to you today!
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