Monday, May 26, 2014

"So, How was Haiti?" Part 3

I've been reading through the book of Acts the last couple of weeks, and I came across this: after a mission trip (called a 'missionary journey' in the Bible), Paul & Barnabas went back to Antioch, 

"where they had been committed to the grace of God for the work they had now completed. On arriving there, they gathered the church together and reported all that God had done through them and how he had opened a door of faith to the Gentiles."   Acts 14 v 26-27

Yesterday, Keri, Karen and I gave a short update at our church (Community Church of Columbus) on our recent Haiti trip, just a glimpse really of all that God had done through those of us on the team, those we worked with, and those who sent us, and how he had opened a door of faith to the Haitians we met with.

Me, Karen, Keri and Melissa on our way to the village of Leroux Cachiman.

Though I wasn't taking notes yesterday, here's what Keri shared recently when we were on The Bridge FM, our local Christian radio station.

"I've known Kate & Storly for a while, and I've heard about these radios, and it's easy to hear about it, but then to go there and see the impact these radios have in the lives of people all over Haiti was just overwhelming to me. Going out to the villages and sharing Christ, seeing so many people come to truly know the Lord and break that bondage from voodoo and other sins in their lives, it was just really overwhelming.

"There was one particular lady that, when we got there, she couldn't even look us in the eye. She was holding this beautiful, beautiful baby and we tried to share with her, and she kept saying no. She wasn't interested.

"Wherever you went, it seemed like there were crowds of people because the radios are really sought after. Everybody wants a radio, so you have these crowds following you through the villages. And this lady's mother was sitting across from her, and her mother ended up making that commitment [to Jesus].

Orinel, our translator, helps share the message of hope in Jesus.
Notice the children listening in. 

The mother prayed a simple sinner's prayer, asking Jesus to forgive her
and be her Savior.

The radio will help this lady and her whole family to learn and grow. What great
encouragement for a new believer to have Christian radio and her own New Testament
that she can listen to.
Keri said: "I happened to look up as they were praying with the mom and I saw the girl sitting there, and she had big tears running from her eyes and I knew we needed to ask her again. And we did. It was amazing to feel God's presence and to know that he's changed her life for ever.

What an honor to help lead this young mother to the Lord.

Orinel shows her how to listen to the radio, and to the New Testament read by Storly.

She's just heard that no-one is beyond God's grace, and nothing's too bad
that it can't be forgiven, if we ask God. And she did ask God for forgiveness
and received his grace. A different woman from the one who wouldn't even look
us in the eye. 

Keri said: "And each radio reaches about 6 people for about 20 years, and they have access to the complete Gospel right there on the radio. It just made my heart race - what a responsibility we have to get these radios out to the people of Haiti."


It's been four years since we started taking teams from our church here to Haiti. When we first moved to Columbus, we had no clue that God would open doors for us to accompany so many people on these life-changing journeys. Yesterday, I gave a report of the impact that CCC is having across northern Haiti through Radio 4VEH, at least the impact that we know about and can measure.

  • The good people of CCC have funded 104 radios, helped with airtime on Radio 4VEH and now support us, the Michel family, as leaders at Radio 4VEH
  • They have sent 8 short-term mission teams
  • Who have shared the Gospel with 935 people in a face-to-face conversation
  • Helped lead 216 people to the Lord
  • Delivered 528 solar radios to homes, hospital beds and prison cells. 

If you, your church or group are interested in being part of this work that God has given us, please do get in touch. There's a lot of work to be done!

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